Wet seksuele misdrijven


Naam E Clarke
Plaats Den Haag
Datum 19 juli 2020


- Wat vindt u goed in dit wetsvoorstel en waarom?
- Wat minder goed? En waarom vindt u dat?
- Sluit dit wetsvoorstel aan bij uw opvattingen over strafbaar seksueel gedrag?
- Wat vindt u normaal en gelijkwaardig seksueel contact voor jongeren? Welke rol kan voorlichting of onderwijs hierbij spelen?
- Kijkt u anders naar seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag na gebruik van alcohol of drugs? Zo ja, wat is er dan anders?
- Wat is een goede manier om informatie te geven en discussie te voeren over seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag?
- Wat is er nodig voor een goede uitvoering van dit wetsvoorstel?
- Waar moet de voorlichting over deze wet zich op concentreren?
- Wat zou u de minister van JenV willen meegeven over dit wetsvoorstel?
I think this bill is excellent. Under current Dutch law, the instances in which I was a victim of rape would not be considered rape.

Many times, victims can become paralysed with fear or are under the influence of alcohol or drugs and are unable to resist. In these instances, the perpetrator does not have to be violent or coercive towards the victim, but it is still rape. In other situations, such as in relationships where domestic violence is present, the victim is obligated to not resist, as they know that they will be hurt if they resist. In these cases, as was in my case, the perpetrator knows that the victim does not consent, but knows that she is too scared to actively resist.

With the passing of this bill, the suffering of rape victims will be legitimised, and more cases of rape will be considered criminal acts. From my perspective, this could act as a deterrent for many potential rape cases, particularly within relationships.

I believe that education can play a big role in teaching normal and equal sexual contact, which I define as "individuals (who are above the legal age of consent) engaging in sexual activity, where all parties are sound of mind (i.e. not under the influence of drugs or alcohol) have clearly expressed consent, with no coercion, manipulation, and/or threat or fear of violence, intimidation, or negative repercussions."

I believe that schools and the government should, from a young age, teach children about consent. I believe that by teaching young children about consent, events such as child abuse or sexual abuse can be either prevented or more frequently reported. Many adolescents do not learn about consent until it is too late.

I would suggest that the bill include a clear-cut definition of what consent is, and make sure to mention the fact that "threat or fear of violence, intimidation, or negative repercussions" are instances where psychological pressure is used to commit the act of rape.