Wijziging van de Wet donorgegevens kunstmatige bevruchting in verband met tweede evaluatie, actieplan donorkinderen en omvorming Sdkb


Naam Families of JJMeijer (Ms Davey Jayne)
Plaats Australia
Datum 9 juli 2020


Wilt u reageren op het wetsvoorstel dan kunt u hier uw reactie geven. U kunt dat doen door een bericht achter te laten of door een document te uploaden.
I write to you from Sydney, Australia. I am a parent to a donor conceived child using a Dutch sperm donor from Cryos International Copenhagen. Our donor has been donating to both clinics and privately around the world, breaching all contractual agreements with sperm banks and producing hundreds of children well exceeding the international limits. Our donor is known as Dutch Sperm Donor 102 and has featured in Dutch media. I support this change in legislation and I'm pleading the consulate to help make donors accountable for their actions through identity release by law. Should this change in law had occurred prior to our sons conception, we would not be in the situation we are now - having to explain why he has up to 1000 siblings and how this was even allowed to occur. Should you wish to contact me further please do not hesitate.