Wet regulering sekswerk


Naam J Joling
Plaats Amsterdam
Datum 14 december 2019


Wat is uw oordeel over het wetsvoorstel en de memorie van toelichting?
Welke onderdelen vindt u goed?
Welke onderdelen vindt u slecht?
Als er onderdelen zijn die u onduidelijk vindt, dan deze graag hieronder melden, zo mogelijk met enige toelichting.
Als u suggesties voor aanpassing heeft, dan deze graag hieronder melden, zo mogelijk met enige toelichting.
I think the bill is a misinformed one, as it is unclear to me for what purpose it is written and which outcome it desires.
Does it seek to credit sex workers with more legal terms as to level the playing field between sex work and other form of work? (Decriminalization would be my preferred way of achieving this. ) or does it seek to get more governmental control in the industry. (which has produced disappointing results in the past.)

I think the extra registration sex workers are obliged to undergo is not in the interest of those working in the field or the people buying their services. I do not think the new law will solve any existing problems and seems to be conjured up in a problematic reflexive response.

I sincerely hope the law gets some much needed reflection.