Wet regulering sekswerk


Naam The Red Light Girls Organisation (Mrs Roxana Sarbescu)
Plaats Amsterdam
Datum 6 december 2019


Wat is uw oordeel over het wetsvoorstel en de memorie van toelichting?
Welke onderdelen vindt u goed?
Welke onderdelen vindt u slecht?
Als er onderdelen zijn die u onduidelijk vindt, dan deze graag hieronder melden, zo mogelijk met enige toelichting.
Als u suggesties voor aanpassing heeft, dan deze graag hieronder melden, zo mogelijk met enige toelichting.
- The minimum age of 21 years old is a great way of adjusting and regulating the sex work, most of us started at 18 or earlier and we are sorry no one stopped us. When you’re young you are most likely to do mistakes that later will impact your life forever. Therefore, having 3 years extra can make someone who is confused think better about their future job and explore possibilities.
- Commercializing sex only if you have an authorization is also a plus point. Most of us are 30+ and we have to fight competition of girls who are 18 or less of age and who are brought here in the Netherlands by pimps or by their own families. That kind of sex work should not be allowed.
- Clients who use girls under 21 years old should be criminalized.
- All the 8-10 city halls giving permits should have VERY specialized workers to identify if someone is working for herself/himself but there must be a follow up and regular check after that. In most of the cases is not visible when someone is forced to do sex work for someone else.
- City halls should give up regulation about working at home. The permit you are enforcing with WRS should be ENOUGH for us to work at home is we want that, please don’t make our work more difficult by adding more rules apart from the permit and the KVK-accountant obligation.
