Wet regulering sekswerk


Naam A Szuba
Plaats Nijmegen
Datum 17 november 2019


Wat is uw oordeel over het wetsvoorstel en de memorie van toelichting?
Welke onderdelen vindt u goed?
Welke onderdelen vindt u slecht?
Als er onderdelen zijn die u onduidelijk vindt, dan deze graag hieronder melden, zo mogelijk met enige toelichting.
Als u suggesties voor aanpassing heeft, dan deze graag hieronder melden, zo mogelijk met enige toelichting.
I do not agree with the WRS. I believe that putting legal restrictions on who can be a sex worker, and having fines for those who do not comply, only makes sex workers’ situation worse. This opinion has been voiced by many sex workers and advocates, and I would encourage you to listen to their opinions. Here are links to some pieces criticising the WRS:


I would also like to add one point:

A vergunningsgesprek with a sex worker will not necessarily make it clear whether they are being pressured into sex work or not. Sex workers’ situations can be complicated. A conversation with a stranger who only gets to know the sex worker’s situation and life superficially, and whom the sex worker does not necessarily feel comfortable around, may not be very informative. What would be more helpful is to ensure sex workers have access to support networks; people that they can confide in. And that there are organisations in place that sex workers (all of them, including for example undocumented migrants) can go to if they need help. This way, sex workers maintain their own agency, and are not treated as a possible victim at default. Think about it this way – in many office jobs, sexual harrassment and unfair treatment of women take place. Yet, we do not force women to go through conversations that aim to assess whether they are harrassed or not. In part, because this can be difficult to assess through a conversation. And in part, because forcing women to go through such conversations violates their rights to privacy and agency. Instead, we want to focus on creating an environment (in the form of policies, access to support and resources, etc.) that is on the side of potential victims if they decide that they need help or support. I understand that right now not all victims may come forward when they experience harrassment or violence. But this is why our focus should be on creating an environment in which they would feel safe to do so. Forcing them to go through a vergunningsgesprek and get registered, and fining them if they do not oblige does not achieve that.