Wijziging RWN herkrijging en verlies Nederlanderschap na langdurig verblijf buiten Koninkrijk en EU


Naam Anoniem
Plaats Amsterdam
Datum 3 mei 2023


U kunt op het gehele wetsvoorstel en de toelichting reageren.
It is very strange and concerning, that this new law is positioned as modernization of the nationality law and nowhere in the sections "wat veranderet deze wet" and "voor wie belangrijk" is states that there is another group of people for whom this law changes things significantly. Namely it is people who went through naturalization and later renounced their Dutch nationality. For such people the optie procedure will require renouncing their original nationality if this new wet is going t get accepted. So this people would be treated differently than other oud-Nederlanders. How come it is not mentioned anywhere? Is this even possible, to make such a big change but hide it so carefully in the description of the law? This looks very strange and not modern at all. I am highly against this new law and I am against hiding the changes that law brings.