Wet Voorschriften vrijstelling leerplicht bij richtingbezwaren


Naam EA Anderssen
Plaats Dordrecht
Datum 22 juni 2020


Wat vindt u van dit wetsvoorstel?
Please make it more difficult for parents to do this to Their children.
I was homeschooled my entire life and it is horrible. The "education" is so so poor and terrible. Not consistent with facts and full of religious indoctrination and lies. It prevents us (the homeschooled person) from having a good education and normal life. As an adult I cannot attend University because I was homeschooled and there is no way to prove That I actually graduated secondary schooling. The schooling I had was terrible and now as an adult I cannot even complete a secondary school level of maths because my parents thought it was not important compared to learning how to pray and go to church.

The person that suffers for this is us (the child) and the government needs to protect our futures. The Selfishness of the parents wanting only their children to learn religious ways prevents us from leaving toxic Christian and Muslim communities and trapped because our lack of education. As a woman we are forced to marry because of lack of education we cannot go to university or get degrees to have better jobs to support ourselves.

If we do not have normal social lives how can we ever speak out against any abuse that may occur? We have no way of having a normal life!! Please, I beg you pass this and protect children so that they do not have to struggle in life like I have. I am 27 years old and have the education of a 14 year old, no way to get into even a VMBO! It would take years and money I do not have to bring my education level up to standards and no person living in such a progressive country should have to suffer that.

There are already Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu etc etc schools for children to go to if parents are so worried about "secular teaching". Let children make the choice for themselves instead of having a selfish ignorant adult make such a life altering decision and taking their choices for the rest of their lives away.