Wijziging Opiumwet vanwege nieuwe psychoactieve stoffen


Naam Mr (Mr Daniel Dias)
Plaats London
Datum 31 maart 2020


Graag vernemen wij uw reactie op het conceptwetsvoorstel tot wijziging van de Opiumwet.
The war on drugs has failed, the Nertherlands has seen so much benefit from it's progressive stance on drug laws as have various other countries such as Portugal whilst other countries such as the USA have only clamped down on drugs yet fueled the illegal drug market, seen an increase in violent crime, addiction rates, etc and an overall lower quality of life for their citizens.

Please continue to be a role model for other countries to follow suite. We're all in this together and this law will only cause suffering. Making drugs illegal does not stop people using them, it only makes their use more dangerous. We need to treat drug abuse as a medical issue, not a criminal issue. I know you don't want NL to be at the centre of a drug market industry but please look at the data and statistics! Making drugs illegal does NOT work and this descision will be looked back on as another example of of a failed drug policy.

The last thing we need is one of the most progressive countries backtracking into more conservative views on drug policy which have never worked. Making drugs illegal only seems to make people use them MORE and fuels the black market as well as violent drug dealers which may push harder drugs on users and sell impure products resulting in more deaths and more hospitalizations.

I hope you'll make the right descision...