Wijziging Opiumwet vanwege nieuwe psychoactieve stoffen


Naam Dhr. G. Meeuwes
Plaats Maastricht
Datum 10 maart 2020


Graag vernemen wij uw reactie op het conceptwetsvoorstel tot wijziging van de Opiumwet.
Quote van de Minister van verantwoordelijk drugs wetgeving UK - Mo Mowlam

Heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, cannabis, prescription and over-the-counter medicines, alcohol, tobacco, coffee, tea - we are all people who use drugs.
Our refusal to acknowledge this comes from a deep-seated fear that ‘we’ might become, or be seen as, one of ‘them’. What we really need to focus
on is the difference between drug use and drug addiction or dependency. Global prohibitionist drug policy continues to focus efforts primarily
on the substances alone. This is wrong. Of course, the harms associated with some drugs are worse than others. Sometimes these are due to the degree of addictiveness of a particular drug. But most of the harms are due to the way that a particular drug is acquired (for example, in a dark alley versus from a pharmacy), the way in which it is used (as a pill, for example, versus smoking, snorting or injecting), and, even more importantly, the way in which society treats
people who use drugs. The vast majority of the horrific harms associated with drug use—crime, HIV and other blood-borne infections, violence, incarceration, death—are clearly fueled by the prohibitionistdrug policies our governments pursue.

Dit soort regelingen veroorzaken meer kwaad dan goed. De minister heeft een bord voor zijn kop en al 50 jaar onder een steen gelegen. Drugs prohibitie WERKT NIET. Laten we eens op zoek gaan naar manieren die volksgezondheid beter maken. En de schadelijke gevolgen van prohibitie verminderen.