Wijziging Opiumwet vanwege nieuwe psychoactieve stoffen


Naam Naturetrust.org a registered non-profit organization (RM Langner)
Plaats Herrsching
Datum 18 april 2020


Graag vernemen wij uw reactie op het conceptwetsvoorstel tot wijziging van de Opiumwet.
I ask you for help to prevent the pharmaceutical lobby from ever abusing this designer drug law to criminalize all upcoming natural alternatives for their dangerous synthetic drugs

The Alliance for Natural Health www.anhinternational.org did the very same successfully 3 years ago in the German precursor of this NPS law: https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/npsg/NpSG.pdf

All it took to defuse the German precursor were 7 words on the first page which excluded oherbs used by millions outside of the EU from being treated as a dangerous synthetic compound like Fentanyl.

§ 2 Begriffsbestimmungen Im Sinne dieses Gesetzes ist
1. neuer psychoaktiver Stoff ein Stoff oder eine Zubereitung eines Stoffes aus einer der in der Anlage genannten Stoffgruppen;
2. Zubereitung ohne Rücksicht auf den Aggregatzustand ein Stoffgemisch oder die Lösung eines Stoffes oder mehrerer Stoffe AUSSER DEN NATÜRLICH VORKOMMENDEN GEMISCHEN UND LÖSUNGEN

The last 7 words were added after the request of the Alliance for Natural Health

Tragically, the very first targetted natural products will be the ones with the highest potential to allivate withdrawal symptoms and escape the vicious cycle of Opiat addiction like Mitragyna Speciosa (Kratom) or the Arginin Metabolite Agmatine. The natural Aminoacid reduces the buildup of opioid Tolerance which caused pain patients needing Oxycodone Tablets with doses high enough to kill 10 Patients without tolerance.

It is their synthetic drugs that cause the deadly opiate epidemic. Their lobby prepared extensivly their legal defense and possible legislation. As usual, they also seized this opportunity to ban their natural competitors.

Please help us to prevent this natural health ban that will threaten EU consumers and traders with a 10 year prison sentence, even if the plant is used safely since millenia in other countries outside of the EU.