Wijziging Opiumwet vanwege nieuwe psychoactieve stoffen


Naam Mr. A nonymous
Plaats Rotterdam
Datum 11 maart 2020


Graag vernemen wij uw reactie op het conceptwetsvoorstel tot wijziging van de Opiumwet.
Vertaling naar het Nederlands in bijgevoegd document

I would like to support this welcome change to the OpiumWet.

I am an importer of drugs such as Cocaine, Heroine and Methamphetamine (Meth), and I also manufacture MDMA (which I use for XTC) and Meth locally. I buy the drugs for cheap abroad, and sell them in the Netherlands for a huge profit. For example, 1 kg of Cocaine in Colombia costs me only $6000 – and can bring me up to €20.000 income in the Netherlands, and to the same kg I add some of my “special ingredients” to make it bigger, and then I sell it on the street for around €100.000 – that is a good, tax-free profit for me.

However, In the last 15 years, NPS have created a big problem for my business. My customers, instead of spending their money with my agents on the street – buy them on-line on websites and bypass me completely. They bring in relatively cheap, high quality material legally and sell them for a far smaller profit compared to me, and even pay taxes on the goods!

I tried selling NPS myself, but my infrastructure requires high profit margins and I can’t compete with the price, and also the fact that people prefer to buy goods on a website with a reputation and not with my people on the street. I know that a small percentage of my agents can sometimes be unpleasent or violent – but these are the type of people I can hire to stand in the street.

Naturally this has a negative impact. My business has a lot of expenses! I have to pay smugglers and people for protection. I must have my own police force with strong violent men and weapons. I also have to pay people to dump the chemicals from the XTC and Meth manufacturing somewhere. Sometimes a Meth lab explodes for no reason, causing a great loss to me (and sometimes nearby houses). All that requires a lot of cash, and the NPS vendors have been taking this business away from me.

When NPS become illegal, the “legal high” vendors will go away, and I can finally get back to doing good business like in the past. I also plan to take over the NPS business – when people can’t buy them on the web-shops they will have to buy them from me. I can make them for cheaper because quality is less important to me, and my profits will increase significantly – after all, people have used drugs since pre-historic times, they will not stop because I charge them 5 times more.

I therefore strongly support this proposed legislation and hope it is enacted quickly and is strictly enforced.
