Wijziging Opiumwet vanwege nieuwe psychoactieve stoffen


Naam Marcel Davis
Plaats Venlo
Datum 11 maart 2020


Graag vernemen wij uw reactie op het conceptwetsvoorstel tot wijziging van de Opiumwet.
The prohibition of new psychoactive substances is not effective, as it drives the existing market into illegality. Research chemicals have varying degrees of risk and reward and are an important part of human development. People will always try to understand how chemicals affect the human body. Such a ban will inhibit opportunities that could lead to further development. This is a big problem and will not solve it at its core. It would be more accurate if substances were evaluated according to their hazard potential and information about them were provided. A ban will not stop chemists from developing more chemicals, it will be a never-ending battle against a drug war that cannot be won. Substances like fentanyl derivatives should be included in the narcotics law. Other substances should also be included if the risk potential is too high. But this is not the case with all substances. Many substances are essential for research. People will not stop experimenting with psychoactive substances. Other countries have similar laws, but they do not stop the use of these substances. The export of new psychoactive substances to countries where these substances are banned should be prohibited. However, domestic trade should be allowed and educational services should be provided. I support the liberal drugs policy of the Netherlands, because it shows that legality does not lead to increased consumption and that people can deal with it responsibly if they are educated.