Wijziging Opiumwet vanwege nieuwe psychoactieve stoffen


Naam kushal swami
Plaats Clifton
Datum 1 april 2020


Graag vernemen wij uw reactie op het conceptwetsvoorstel tot wijziging van de Opiumwet.
Dear Consulate,

I ask that you reconsider the proposed scope of the amendment of the Opium Act on the basis of medical research. I understand that novel chemicals with psychoactive potential pose a risk to the public, but the passing of this amendment would add "Beaurocratic Red Tape" to pharmaceutical development that holds the potential to save millions of lives. I ask that you consider the United States Drug Policies before enacting the amendment and how it has affected the US economy and healthcare. Drugs that were once demonized and outlawed are now being reconsidered for their medical benefits (See: (MDMA)Methylendeoxymethamphetamine for treatment of PTSD). This "Red Tape" being proposed against pharmaceutical analogs will only provide both economic and medical roadblocks for medical research.

I ask that you consider COVID-19 and the global struggles to find a vaccine, and on a similar note I would like to point out the effects of Methamphetamine and its ability to fight influenza A*.
PLoS One. 2012; 7(11): e48335.
Published online 2012 Nov 6. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0048335
PMCID: PMC3491060
PMID: 23139774

The research lab who conducted this finding required an excess of administrative difficulties due to the legal scheduling of Methamphetamine, causing delayed findings and an excessive use of federal funding.

Ultimately, although there is potential for psychoactive abuse of novel research chemicals - I believe the Netherlands has been a pioneer in allowing the development of chemicals with strong medical potential, so I ask that you do not follow in the footsteps of the US and other EU countries in their so-called "war on drugs"

Thank you for your consideration