Wijziging Opiumwet vanwege nieuwe psychoactieve stoffen


Naam Healing Centers of Los Angeles (Therapist TML Lyons)
Plaats Los Angeles
Datum 9 april 2020


Graag vernemen wij uw reactie op het conceptwetsvoorstel tot wijziging van de Opiumwet.
I think it will prove to be extremely problematic for the government, law enforcement, hospitals, prisons, and psychiatric care centers in a fashion similar to effect the 'War on Drugs" has had in the USA.
The less freedom citizens are granted to legally share info and research on chemicals with immense therapeutic value, ( thinking specifically of chemicals that are considered to be consistently reliable replacements for add, mood disorder and narcolepsy, such as 2FA and 2FMA), people refer to much more dangerous expensive alternatives, that in a small country the Netherlands could have effects just as disastrous as those in the US.
The US may have terrible health care, but it's health care infrastructure is enormous, and yet the opioid crisis (avoidable through real harm reduction like reliable sourcing) continues to kill an in increasing amount of citizens.
I agree that cathinones are extremely dangerous and harmful, same as certain psychedelic amphetamines, but I believe righting off the therapeutic potential of chemicals as mild and potentially more effective than their pharmaceutical counterparts such as
2 FMA will result in a functional uses ( such as those with undiagnosed dopamine deficiencies) will be seeking out far more toxic ilegal substitutes because the popular and safe option is now gone.