Nicotineproducten zonder tabak


Naam University of Zagreb, School of Public Health (Prof. PhD MD O.B. Brborovic)
Plaats Zagreb
Datum 15 januari 2023


Wat vindt u van het concept-wetsvoorstel?
I agree that there is a need for regulations on nicotine pouches, but I would not recommend a prohibition. Each substance prohibition in recent history could be rendered a failure. But we learned that interventions on decreasing demand (with the school children in focus) and harm reduction (in the adult population) are widely recognised as successful. Hence, all the fears you present in the consultation documents should be addressed from those two perspectives.
Acute toxicity of nicotine should be addressed with harsher regulation in production (use of GMP standards like with nicotine gums, oral and nasal sprays) and maximum allowed dosage per pouch. I strongly disagree that the prohibition of nicotine pouches will be a successful strategy to tackle the issue related to smoking as a major treat to public health.