Wet internationalisering in balans


Naam Anoniem
Plaats The Hague
Datum 15 september 2023


Wilt u reageren op de maatregelen in het wetsvoorstel? Dan kunt u hier uw reactie geven. U kunt dat doen door een bericht achter te laten of door een bericht te uploaden.
Dear Government,
I am a student at THUAS, and I strongly feel that English-speaking university courses and programs are crucial for developing connections on all scales: local, national, and international. The law you are considering is solely based on opinion and not on the factual benefits that English-speaking programs provide to your country. Not only does the income generated by international students boost the GDP of The Netherlands, but it also creates an international environment where globalisation is promoted. As a member of the EU, foreign students bring economic development, increased employment, societal diversity and benefits, and builds stronger bonds with other countries, allowing for a diverse and international nation which is already evident in The Netherlands. As an international student, I love the experience of learning from and with students from across over the world, allowing me to complete my higher education in a foreign country while studying in the language that is beneficial to my international job opportunities. Please consider the networking that international university education provides for your population. This country has provided me with numerous opportunities and future university students require these opportunities as well.


Hoe beoordeelt u de uitvoerbaarheid voor de onderwijspraktijk en heeft u nog suggesties om de uitvoerbaarheid te bevorderen?
English-speaking educational practices provide feasibility for a wider range of job opportunities, leading to increased national income and therefore GDP. Economic and infrastructural development is advantaged because a wider range of knowledge and teams of internationalised programs can come together to promote the improvement of the country. Feasibility of educational practices should be considered based on the capabilities of individual students and not their nationalities. Each student should have equal opportunities to study in The Netherlands, and admissions and programs should be assessed based on student capabilities, as a student's nationality does not determine their level of knowledge. For non-EU natives, the tuition fee is much higher, meaning that these students provide a larger proportion of university income than Dutch-residents.
My suggestions to promote feasibility is by promoting international education available in The Netherlands towards foreign countries. This can be done by advertising the programs as inclusive to all people and nationalities. Another suggestion is to provide equal assistance to both residents and non-residents, as university student populations make up tens of thousands of the Dutch population, providing increased employment therefore lower unemployment rates. University students accustomed to The Netherlands and living in an international environment will also lower turnover ratios in companies because of increased loyalty to an internationalised system.
I strongly believe that all of my points mentioned above in Question 1 and 2 highlight the importance, the prominent benefits, and the increased opportunities that international students and English-speaking bring to your country.